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Come ottenere chiave pubblica

· Come ottenere OpenPGP/gnupg chiave pubblica o
vedi anche the corresponding manual how to bootstrap a trust web!

· Come ottenere X509 o S/MIME public key certificato

For free

use a tool to create one yourself: This has the advantage, that you don't have to rely on anyone else for your certificate, except for the creator of the software.
This is perfectly fine if you just use it between PrivaSphere and your Mail Program, but if you also want to use it you send signed e-mail out of your Mail Program, your counterparts will have to explicitely trust your self-signed certificates . Thus you are back to the trust management done by the OpenPGP world above.

However, a certificate be obtained for gratis from the following sites: They might also sign a certificate signing request (CSR) created by xca or keytools, etc. as above!

With full operating system support

Typically, this is a paid service. Sites:

Why to get a chiave pubblica

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